Why I am making this suggestion
The reason I am making this suggestion is because there are many great suggestions posted here on the forums but we very rarely see any statement from a moderator or staff team that it would/ wouldn’t or possibly be added to the Hive. This would also make the Hive feel more community based as they are willing to add suggestions from the players themselves.
How it could work
The way I though would work best is if someone part of the Hive team or moderation posted an official statement under the suggestion. Possibly by making it the comment right below the suggestion so everyone can easily find what the Hive’s response is, and whether they would consider adding it.
Official Hives’ response layout
It could be something along the lines of
The Hive has plans of adding/ changing this on the Hive { (coming next, in progress, planned) used the names from the Hive road map}. The reason the Hive hopes/ plans to add this is because…
The Hive is considering of adding/ changing this this to the Hive but it is not certain. The reason the Hive is considering it is because…
The Hive is unable to or does not plan to add/ change this. The reason being …
They would likely change this or have different statements for different types of suggestions such as Costume ideas, games, accessibility and other categories.
Suggestions which are in the planned or considered section
I thought for suggestion which are in the consider or planned section because they aren’t sure how people will like the change could show a poll using the Hive mailbot to some or all players.
The poll would have a title of the suggestion for example Change Sharp 2 Iron to Sharp 1 Diamond with the link to the suggestion from the forums if they want more details. Underneath the title and the link there can have the poll with two options Yes or No. The results are up to the Hive team whether they want the public to see the results or just them.
Links to suggestions with over 50 votes
- If you know suggestions with over 50+ votes you can post the link in the comments and I will put them
so they are easier to find for the staff and anyone interested in voting for them
Suggestions with over 100 votes:
- Hive++ Suggestion and Civillized Discussion Megapost
- An overall Hive level
- Adding lava buckets and water buckets to skywars
- Making the Void Deeper(or making pearls slightly faster)
- Treasure Wars / Ranked Gamemode
- Show players’ health
- “Forumer” hub title
- New game: Shulker Wars
- (Warning: Incredibly long) Suggestion: Hive Fighters
- Keep Block Drop (This will be accepted when mixed arcade releases)
Keep The Hub Train Year Round
Suggestions with over 50 votes:
Spawn with a sword in tw
Organize The Friends List
Take Away the Enderpearl Height Limit
Incognito Mode? (not sponsored by ExpressVPN)
Social Features Suggestions
Music Tracks for Mini-Games
Further Custom UI Implementation
User Profiles (In-Game)
Australian Server Region
New Game Suggestion: UHC
Ranked Skywars for equality
Rank Icons (Leveling Icons)
Add The Bridge Mini Game on Hive
~ Party XP Boost
Expanded Party Functions! (Open Parties)
(More Fun!) Prize Wheel
Achievement suggestion
Add The Copper Golem
New Hub Parkour To The Hive Sign
Health Back From Kills?
“Hide Players” Option in The Hub
Death Messages Idea
Let Us play Noteblocks“The Arcade” Game Idea: Hitmen
Get Armor On Final Kill
Skyblock (new game suggestion)
Show your Loginstreak in the Lobby
Different variants of steve skins
Just Build - Build vs Build vote suggestion
Show your Loginstreak in the Lobby
This suggestion though it is partially accepted look at response from Splodger and Holly to understand
“King Pig” Costume (FANMADE)
Make this say 13+
Playtime feature
Toppling Towers Minigame
Keep The Hub Train Year Round
New Mixed Arcade Game: Strider Races
Keep inventory on CS
Remove TNT at the ends of traps
[Custom Servers] Allow us to change how long matches are
Custom Server NPC
Show what hubtitle you’re wearing
[Warning: Mammoth Suggestion] Hive Honeycoin - YAIGC
Rejoin command (/rejoin)
1st Person Spectating
Custom Server Operators Should be Able to Fly in Game Lobbies
Remove the Golden Apple cap
Timer until removal for LTM games
Add a favorite option for friends
Make it so you can choose seasonal maps in custom servers
Time Owl pet
The new game Heart of the Sea at the end of a match
Being able to choose the color of your level
Punching A player With the party Book Invite them to Your Party
Custom Servers Display
New Discussion- Favorites Tab in Item shop
Changing generator colors
Pyro Kit
Alert User when Gifted
Royal Flush (HIVE COSTUME)
Hub Title for Joining on January 1st, 2022 2023
Costume concept #4
Costume concept #1 Fracasadoh made 16 costume concepts
‘PBMM is on’ chat message
Rules Item In Waiting Lobby
A symbol next to a friends name in chat!
Add a Medic role
Wall-to-Wall ~ Minigame Concept
Show the Death Phrase: (Username) did an oopsie in Treasure Wars too!
Add the Spyglass to the Hive
Murder Mystery Swords
Costume concept #3
Mailbot Pet/Plushie
Show killer’s hearts and weapon
Alive players in treasure wars
/tc for team chat
Add a /ping command
Selectable Gift Messages
Earn XP From Long Win Streaks
P chat on hive UI
Response from Holly Hlzyzptlk
Response from Splodger
Thanks for taking the time and possible reading or voting for it. Feel free to say your opinions on this and if I should change anything about it. At the time of writing this it is in most voted to least voted.