Suggestion for suggestions with over 50 votes

Xyturial best mod ww sorry ralius


Hey! First of all, this is a really neat post, it’s super helpful that you’ve included a list as I do try to respond to some of them myself. I completely understand where you’re all coming from and will try to look at some of these threads when I can. However, there’s just a few things to consider that I want to throw out there. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

  • The Hive has many different paid teams and members. Not every member can speak for a suggestion alone, and most decisions are made following lengthy conversations across multiple teams. For example, I can comment on these threads and make educated guesses but I can never speak for the whole team or have the deciding vote on whether or not we’d add it.
  • We are constantly working on lots of different things. This means that while some features or additions would be really useful to have, we already have many other things that take priority or need to be implemented first.
  • A “quick” implementation is not as quick as you think. Even for minor issues or small changes, there’s still a quality assurance process, as well as the fact that our needs/priorities are constantly shifting. Even if an idea seems simple, that’s rarely the case, unfortunately.

Overall, there are just a lot more to it than simply looking at a suggestion and approving or denying, regardless of how many votes it has. We do look through and we do read things, even when we aren’t commenting. The respiration helmet thread, for example, is one I know I commented on before I was on the Hive Team, stating that it would be a good idea. I still agree with that, but it’s something that, understandably, is going to be quite low on our list of priorities.

Hopefully, that all makes sense!


So basically suggestions are a waste if time? If it’s a low priority, the chance of it getting accepted/approved it very very low.

Other than that, I understand what you mean by the paid teams and members thing.


Not at all! Just that this is why we’re often quite slow to coming around to them, more so if it’s a smaller feature. There’ve been plenty of ideas we’ve accepted from the forums but if it’s something that maybe isn’t a huge priority or would be best added at a later time once we have other features implemented, we may not respond right away. The last thing we want to do is give people false hope that something is coming soon, is already being worked on, etc. :slight_smile:


Thanks Xy and Holly for your response

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Just to add to this - we always look through the game-specific suggestions when planning out updates; they are incredibly helpful, and we will often discuss many community-submitted suggestions as part of this process.

For example, if we were planning to update for Survival Games, we would look through the most popular SG suggestions and discuss them. We included several popular suggestions as part of the most recent SG update!

I hope you can understand that we truly do value community-submitted feedback and suggestions, this can be seen by taking a look at the accepted ideas section - which has 80+ accepted suggestions within it - your suggestions certainly aren’t useless!


As for the respiration helmet, we definitely have discussed this, it will be replaced in a future SkyWars update :dab:



Although I request that you respond to the sharp 2 and sharp 1 suggestion from Adept.

Once we get around to updating SkyWars, for sure!



@Adept_Conqueror big ww


Man I just looked through them all and I have a lot of suggestions in that category

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So if a suggestion doesn’t have much votes, will hive team still go through them ??


We will still look at them, yes :slight_smile: Higher votes just mean we can see people want something in particular, maybe more so over some of the ideas with less votes.


Does that mean you’ve seen my mailbot suggestion


However the suggestion to suggestion won’t apply to this suggestion because this only has 49 votes

wdym it has 50 and stop bumping posts from more than 3 days.


nah you can bump posts as long as you have something to add


Shulker Wars is now at 106 votes!! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Playtime feature has 55 votes


@Cy3rSpace this thread needs to be updated to the 100 votes section