One thing about Murder Mystery that kinda bothers me is that I’m always Innocent most of the time. Being an Innocent just isn’t as fun was being the Murderer or Sherrif. To add more diversity, maybe add an entirely new role. The Medic role essentially heals dead players using their special healing potions. The way this works is that when a player gets killed by the Murderer, they have 10 seconds until they can’t be healed by the Medic. You can tell if they can be healed if green particles come out of the said player’s gravestone. To balance this out, the Medic only gets 2 healing potions to start out with. Every 10 coins, they get another potion until they reach the coin cap (30). After that, they won’t get anymore potions. There will also be 2 medics each game, so if one player gets the Medic role, another one can. A good reason why this role should be added is because the role selection isn’t very diverse, and most of the time you are selected as an innocent, which gets VERY repetitive. I feel that this role will definitely help out quite a bit by adding a new playstyle to Murder Mystery, and it will make it a more fun and less repetitive game.
what happenes if the medic dies? can an innosent pick it up?
Maybe they could get one of the Medic’s potions
Yk what a medic role is actually a really good idea
cough innocent
I think it will be fair if the medic does not count as an innocent
What about those people who requeue as soon as they die?
I suppose their graves would lose the green particles if they left before 10 seconds
They probably won’t be able to requeue for 10 seconds
Dang, I didn’t expect this suggestion to get THIS many votes.
Yep! Right you are
This is honestly a pretty good idea! I think that there are a few things to make the innocent people who die stay for 10 seconds longer just to see if they make it out There could also be a way to help a medic if they die and whatnot, but this is really cool
if theres other game modes, like, 2 murderers and 2 sheriffs in one game or something similar to that, then it would be good imo
Although I do think that this suggestion has a solid foundation, I believe there are several flaws where it can be improved to make the role less overpowered. With the current idea of five potions per each medic and being two medics, that means that that there could be 10 people revived in total if both of the medics play properly which would cause a severe disadvantage for the murderer, ultimately causing balancing issues. I do agree with opinions people may have, including how adding new roles would ruin the simplicity of Murder Mystery at it’s current state, which many people including myself enjoy but I am open to the idea.
If this idea would be implemented, however, I would prefer to see the following changes:
Injury A side effect for players who have been revived by the medics, which gives them slowness in order to resemble being injured. This would put these players at a disadvantage when trying to run away from a murderer but in my opinion would be a fair trade to getting revived with no penalty for dying. No side effect would make the role too unbalanced in my opinion, as the people who die know who the murderer is most likely. Perhaps even nausea could be added but health of the user would have to be considered as nausea is linked with motion sickness. Nausea, however, would provide a disadvantage when trying to shoot the murderer which would be a disadvantage if you were healed.
Change to Amount of Heals I do believe that a total of 10 possible heals is too much. Perhaps, the price of heals could be changed to 15 coins each similar to the astronaut suit on spaceship until the coin cap is reached which would change the amount of heals from coins from 3 down to only two. I believe that there also should only be 1 heal to start, just to make it balanced near the beginning of each match. This idea would make it so there could only be 6 total heals using a two medic system.
Interact to Heal Process Perhaps instead of an instant heal, the medic would have to shift or interact with the gravestone for a few seconds, which puts them in risk of being killed by the murderer. Of course, a valid concern is the 10 second time limit to be healed that was suggested in the limited post, but perhaps if they are being healed, even if not completely, the countdown to when they are permanently eliminated increases. This would create interesting scenarios of whether the murderer would want to camp the dead bodies from the medics or if the medics will risk being killed by the murderer to save the player. There is always going to be a way for players to leave, even if there was a limitation in how often they can requeue whether it be by leaving the server or closing the game entirely.
At the end of the day, I do believe that innocents play a necessary part in the system, one of them being to lower the change of the murderer eliminating the special roles instantly, being the sheriff. They also play a vital role in defeating the murderer, being able to get their own bow. In a majority of games I played, it was not a sheriff who killed the murderer but an innocent.
what if the dead uses new round?
Read all of the replys pls
1: You are a really good writer
2: I agree with the balancing mechanic. Maybe it could be so that they have a lingering potion and it stays for seconds (maybe only 2 of these each). If the murderer finds it he can kill the grave and the medic potion wont work. I think this would be fairly balanced.
This is really put together! nice job snow as always and gl on ur project :)))))
I really think the hive should invest in this
Me neither, I don’t hate this idea, I like the idea of new roles, it’s just that something doesn’t feel right about allowing players to be revived. Normally I expect that when players are dead, They’re Dead.
I think this is a cool idea, the ability to have a new role for MM sounds cool and I think this could be a great way to make sure there is more to this game.