So when you are in hub you get a handy dandy pop up above your xp bar saying ‘costume active: hoodie pig’ (hoodie pig as an example but obviously whatever costume you are currently wearing) whenever you equip a costume. Additionally I think there should be a similar thing right next to the costume pop up to state which hubtitle you have, and maybe even your avatar, so you don’t have to ask someone else what it is.
Yea this would be helpful Maybe I have equiped “Gnomeland Security” in my dreams Good that I was able to give the player the correct information after the fail.
Sometimes Hive gets a little glitchy and when you interact with something it doesn’t register sometimes. This is a big brain idea so we know if it registered.
It’s so annoying to not know what hub title you are wearing, and this would be very very helpful when swarms come out, to make sure we are wearing our custom swarm title
Another way they could do it in the menu is by changing the colour of it e.g. have the selected title be in a purple, yellow or black box. This is especially annoying since sometimes a title may auto equip and you have no way of knowing