Currently, all TNT traps can kill players multiple blocks outside of their marked areas, which is inconsistent with all other traps. This is a result of the explosion radius, which is confirmed to be intended behavior. By only having TNT a few blocks in, the explosion behavior can remain the same while making the traps more fair.
If the TNT traps have a little visual border on them (which they all do) then it makes perfect sense for them not to kill if standing outside of said border. It’s the exact same logic with the arrow traps, poison traps, log traps, etc.
Make this change happen, it’s almost impossible to appropriately predict how far you need to stand from a TNT trap.
Necro time!
When the TNT Trap is activated, some of the TNT explodes. Unfortunately sometimes the TNT is on the outside. If they made it so that the inside TNT explodes instead of the outside, that would be great.
Please fix this, it’s not fair, I was so far from it.
There are also those times where you’re in the blast zone but you don’t die, it just happened to me on Terminal
bUt iTS aN inTenDed GaMe meCHaNIc
Has this thread been looked at by a developer? Gotta remind the peeps that this still exists.
Thanks for bumping, this does need more votes. Although maybe not remove the TNT, but make it so the explosion radius is smaller
Most annoying trap in the game.
I haven’t tested so far, but according to Lewis they fixed the bug where killed players outside the trap don’t show up in chat, soo…
I wouldn’t consider them as lazy, I mean they just fixed a minor chat bug at that type of trap so if the explosion radius would be a bug (which definitly has impact on gameplay) they would have set their priority to that instead of a stupid chat thingy.
It may not be a bug, but it should be changed.
this is also a problem with arrow traps, you can be killed way out of the bounds of one if the dispenser is facing the right way and on that parkour arrow trap in Viaduct you can be killed twice: one when its activated and the arrows go up, and one when the arrows fall back down again :(
I think I got killed three times at the last arrow trap in metropolis once
I believe they fixed that bug, I got killed once last time.
Please add this oh my god it’s so annoying dying to a trap you’re not even in
yes 50 votes baby omg
There is also an arrow trap on metro that will kill you twice.
lmao why do good suggestions never get added?
I mean they’re finally fixing the hiding in the shopkeeper thing
Off topic but I don’t mean to be rude but your frames😂