Hive Honeycoin - YAIGC (yet another in game currency
(yes ik theres been another post similar but this is slightly different, you’ll see.)
Hive HoneyCoin, or just HC, would be(e) a currency earned while playing in the Hive!
How to earn HoneyCoin!
HoneyCoin can be earned in a variety of ways, depending on what you do! It can be earned by:
Playing Games
In each game, there would be criteria based upon tasks within the game, that earn HoneyCoin. These criteria are listed below.
All Games (unless stated otherwise)
3rd Place = 12 HC
2nd Place = 15 HC
1st Place = 20 HC
Treasure Wars
Kill a Player = 3 HC
Final Kill a Player = 5 HC
Final Kill a Team (duos + only) = 10 HC
Collect Gold = 1 HC per 12 gold
Collect Diamond = 1 HC per 6 diamond
Collect Emerald = 1 HC per 2 emerald
Kill a Player = 3 HC
Final Kill a Team (duos +) = 10 HC
Open a Mystery Chest = 3 HC
1st Place on Sky Royale = 25 HC
Survival Games
Kill a Player = 3 HC
Final Kill a District = 5 HC
Open a Supply Crate = 5 HC
Just Build
Place 100 Blocks = 3 HC
Get 3 Top Ratings = 10 HC
Hide and Seek
Survive for 1 minute = 2 HC p/minute
Taunt = 1 HC
Kill a Player = 3 HC
Final Kill a Block Type = 5 HC
Most Taunt Points = 15 HC
Longest Hidden = 15 HC
Most Blocks Killed = 15 HC
Note: 1st, 2nd and 3rd don’t apply.
Kill a Player = 1 HC per player
Get a Monster Kill or better = 10 HC plus player count HC
Reach a Checkpoint = 3 HC
Murder Mystery
Survive a Minute = 2 HC per minute
Kill a Player with Sword = 3 HC
Kill a Player with Throwable = 5HC
Collect a Coin = 1 HC
Kill the Murderer = 15 HC
Most Coins = 15 HC
Win as Murderer = 15 HC
Note: 1st, 2nd and 3rd places dont apply.
HoneyCoin collectings are displayed to each player at the end of each game. EG, i killed the murderer and collected 12 coins, at the end of the game, Hive tells me “27 HoneyCoins has been added to your balance.”
Not applicable in CS.
Exploring the Hub
Around the Hub there are many places of interest. Why shouldn’t there be rewards!
Each of these can be repeated once daily.
The Castle Throne = 2 HC
The Fountain = 2 HC
The Docks = 3 HC
The Campsite = 3 HC
The Quest Masters House= 4HC
The Farm = 4 HC
The Edge of the Hive= 5 HC
The Highest Tower = 6 HC
Completing Parkour
The parkour in the hive usually have no point or one reason to do it. Not now!
Each of these can be completed daily
Hub Stage 1 = 3 HC
Hub Stage 2 = 12 HC
All Parkour courses in Game Lobbies = 4 HC
Hub Event Bonus Courses = 5 HC
Not applicable in CS.
Login Streak
There are 2 Login Streak Bonuses Currently. After you get a year there is really no reason to keep your streak. Not now!
1 HC every day. Every 5 days, that goes up by one. For example, Streak is 1 - 1 HC. Streak is 5. 2 HC. And so on.
This 5-day-bonus applies to all sources of HoneyCoin. If i had a 20 day streak and killed the murderer in MM, I would get 19 HC. (15 + 4) You can see how this would begin to add up over time.
As an added bonus, Ranked Players can get HC bonuses and increases!
Bonuses are an added daily source of HC as long as you login, meaning it doesn’t affect anything else. Not affected by Increases.
Increases are a HC multiplier, meaning they affect everything but bonuses. If needed, amounts are always rounded dow to the nearest whole number.
Regular = 0 HC Daily
Hive+ = 3 HC Daily
YT/Streamer/TikTok = 5 HC Daily
VIP = 8 HC Daily
Regular = 0%
Hive+ = 25%
YT/Streamer/TikTok = 50%
VIP = 100%
HC could also be earned from Events.
Being top 1k on the global leaderboards can get you a monthly fixture of HC depending on your placement!
Your Placement is subtracted from 1k and muliplied by 10 to calculate your monthly prize. Eg, rank 378 would get 6220 HC per month if they keep their rank. (1000 - 378 = 622, * 10 is 6220. Formula: HC = (1000 - RANK) * 10)
What can it do?
HC could be used for many things!
Someones Birthday? Pay them some HC as a present because you forgot to buy them something real.
A /pay <player> <amount of HC>
would be used.
Everyone’s favourite MailBot delivers the HC to the recipient!
Honey Store
A “Honey Store” would be available to buy all your Happy-Hive needs! This would have a limited stock on items per player, maybe even some for the entire network! I won’t list a full list of items for sale but a list of possible items could be:
XP Boosters 1 Hour = 1k HC
XP Boosters 24 Hours = 20k HC
HC Boosters 1 Hour(more on this later) = 3k HC
Costume Gift = 50k HC (500k stock, network, weekly)
Specific Costumes = 25k HC - 30k HC
Minigame Cosmetics (add more without adding levels) = 0.5k HC - 2.5k HC
Extra Daily Quest = 40k HC (3 stock, per player, weekly)
Bee Costume = 1m HC (100 stock, Network, quarterly)
The store items could change weekly or monthly, and some offers could stay permanently, or when stock exists.
Bank your HC!
Banking means your HC is safe, and cannot be lost. It can’t be used while in there, it needs to be taken out first.
You can bank HC every 6 hours, and banking takes 10% of the amount deposited.
Withdrawal is free and can be done as often as you like.
“But why would i bank my money?”, i hear you ask. Well, after the end of every month, money in your bank is increase by 5%! Par example, if you have 1,626 HC in your bank, you’ll end up with 1,707 HC! It will always be rounded down if needed.
- oHCv + ((oHCv / 100) * i)
oHCv: original HoneyCoin value
i: interest (5, could be changed and tweaked, maybe increasable in game!)
Anything Else?
HoneyCoin Boosters (1 hour/24 hour)
- Boosts HC income by an additional 50% for the duration of the booster.
- 1 Hour can be bought from the Honey Store and the Hive Store
- 24 Hour can be bought from the Hive Store.
HoneyCoin cannot be purchased from the Hive Store.
I spent a long time writing all this, so i hope you like it! Add your ideas, i might add them to this suggestion! More is definitely to come from me as well!