If you don’t want to type out /invite PlayerName3521 You should be able to hit them with your book to invite them.
Sometimes when a player has a space in their name it is impossible to party someone. Sometimes they have a very complex name and you need to read it like 20 times to invite correctly. This takes away the hassle.
The only possible problem with this would be people running around inviting everyone… To fix that just add a 15 second timer in between uses.
There isn’t a damn need to argue or fight. The other topic didn’t say anything about punching a player with the party book to invite them. This is pretty much a different suggestion to that as the other post never mentioned how they would invite them then just ‘without using a name.’ Calm yo damn self.
I dont like the idea sorry because if a youtuber was like afk in hub players would like just punch them with the enchanted book and there chat would be spammed with invites sorry I’m not gonna accept this