Okay so this is a Survival Games and Treasure Wars Suggestion. I can’t add 2 gamemodes in the category.
Today I suggest to add additional info for kill messages for Survival Games and Treasure Wars. I know there is another topic like that, but this one is really special.
I suggest to add to the kill messages the killer’s weapon (what did he used to kill the opponent) and the killer’s hearts (number of hearts of the killer, on a scale of 1-10).
So this would look like that :
Ptitjoueur123 dabbed on kaiurii using Stone Axe (3.5 hearts)
So the message shows the exact number of hearts that I had when I killed the opponent (sorry kaiurii). It also shows the weapon I used to kill the opponent. This would bring more strategy to the game, because it might help people understanding if they need to loot better items/armor, or fight people.
If you would like this to be implemented to both Survival Games and Treasure Wars Games, please vote on it at the top of the post !