Translation Bug Reports ⚠️ READ BEFORE POSTING ⚠️

This category is for reporting issues with any of our translations. When submitting a report, please be sure to follow the template, and provide as much information as possible.

This section is specifically for translation issues, if you wish to report an issue unrelated to our translations, please do so here. Try to keep the discussion here concise and on-topic.

Please only submit reports if you are fluent in the language concerned.

Rules and Guidelines :translations:
All forum rules apply in this section, as well as the following section-specific rules:

Translation Bug Reporting

  • You should be fluent in the language you are reporting a problem with; do not use Google Translate or any other translation tools.

  • Title your report with a short summary of the issue.

  • Please follow the template provided, and include all of the information requested.

  • Please only report issues with existing translations, please do not report missing translations.

  • Please make it clear where the text is.

  • Read before posting. Your issue may have been reported already.

  • Include detail, post all information you can provide!

  • If you have any questions about translations, please contact our support team.

Please use the following template:

Affected Language:
Which language does this issue affect?

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Where is the affected text?

Affected Text:
Please type the text, exactly as it appears in-game

Suggested Text:
Please type your suggested correction/improvement

Explanation of Issue:
What is wrong with the text, and why would your suggested improvement be better?

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshot of the affected text

Translator Hub Title

Players that consistently submit accurate translation suggestions may be rewarded with the Translator hub title.

The hub title is awarded at the discretion of The Hive team, and there are no formal requirements.

Some examples of the qualities you should possess to be considered eligible for the hub title are listed below:

  • Fluency in the language of your submitted suggestions is paramount. This means relying solely on your language skills, without the aid of other players, or translation tools such as ChatGPT, Google Translate, etc.

  • Suggestions should consistently be of a high quality, adhering to the provided format, and flawless in spelling and grammar.

  • Suggestions should be purposeful and backed by substantive reasoning, rather than submitted for the sake of it.

Although appreciated, simply submitting reports about color formatting issues or minor grammatical errors will not make you eligible for the hub title.

As previously mentioned, the hub title is given out at the sole discretion of the Hive Team - please do not contact staff to ask for it.