Hive translation bug found🇩🇪

Hey my name is Clark / gametag @Clarky boy24090 i am a German Minecraft player and often play hive! Recently I found out that you can get a translator hub title by helping hives translations! So i vent Through all hive info texts and found some texts that wasn’t detailed enough to understand or didn’t even make any sense! So i made a list with all the correct spelling ( translations ) and game names:

1. The Bridge

It’s says the solo-player searching what doesn’t make sense in Germany! Instead of saying: Die solo-spielersuche basiert auf dem können der spieler.
I would say: das solo spiel basiert auf dem können der spieler.
That would be the correct formulation!

In the light blue text under the green one makes literally no sense at all, it says: the player search in the team-modie based on a platform… thats just not right! It says team_modi basiert auf der Plattform ( it means: the team-mobie based on the Plattform) what makes no sense because the bridge is on a 1 block wide so you can’t call it a platform!
If you translate it correctly it would say: die Spieler spielen auf einer Brücke zwischen dem jeweiligen teams.
Hopefully that helped and you can correct that maybe😅

2. egg wars

Actually it’s correct but instead of karte ( map ) i also would say gebiet just like in the blue text. Because now it says: fight for the area control, every kill enlarges the are. But in the other text it says map instead of area and that just doesn’t sound right.
So the correct wording would be: Das erste team das dass gesamte Gebiet erobert hat gewinnt.

3. the hub costumes or hive+ ncp‘s

It says: tap to show what is a little difficult if you are on pc or xbx‘PlayStation! Instead of tap say klick! The correct translation would be: klicke zum Anzeigen!

4. Sky wars

So it sky wars it says destroy the lucky ours to get lot fight then…
You see? Fight then just sound not right! First of all lucky ours sound a little weird in German and i would just say ours ( Erze) because lucky ours is a long and weird word.
Second of all at the end of the text it says fight then! What makes no sense!
Instead try saying: dann kämpfe gegen die anderen spieler um denn sieg!
That would be a super explanation! Translated in the English it says: then fight against other players.
So you see? That would be a great explanation and everyone would know what to do in the game :smile:

5. Sky wars kits

In the sky wars kits info text almost everything is ok including one word that makes the rest of the text just not understandable.
The word Platte means plate so the info text says: sky wars with kits, chose a kit from a big plate.
See that? A plate is not the right word to use1 instead just say chose between a large selection of kits ( wähle zwischen einer großen Auswahl an kits!

I hope that was helpful And you can make your server translations even better! It would be cool if i can get the translator hub title because its a huge goal for me.
Have a nice day bye :smile:

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Have a great day :slightly_smiling_face: