Suspension of sending translation bug messages by splodger

I want to know for how much time can I not send messages in translation bug section of huve forums? Also my Language is Espanol(Spanish) and I admit I have usen Google Translate

Hey there :wave:

This category has been created for a specific purpose (suggestions) so please stay within the boundaries of the subject matter.

If you have a question or need support, we recommend joining our Discord server, where we have a dedicated help channel, staffed by members of our team.

You can also reach out directly to our support team, who aim to respond to queries within 24 hours. All of the information about how you can contact them can be found here. In this case you would have to contact our support team as they can look into your suspension and assist you. :blobheart:

We ask you to only report translation bug reports if you are fluent in the language concerned, using google translator for bug reports is therefore not allowed. You can find the full list of our rules and guidelines for the translation bug reports category below:


Splodger told me not send messages since I used Google translate in one report for how many days will i not be able to report languages he said not report more translation bugs