Hat translation error (spanish)

Affected Language:
spanish spain

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
hub cosmetics

Affected Text:
witch hat
octopus plush
gamer headset
cardboard box
shining crown
flower crown

Suggested Text:
which hat - sombrero de bruja
octupus plush - peluche plupo
shining crown - corona brillante
gaming headset - auriculares para juegos
cardboard box - caja de carton
flower crown - corona de flores

Explanation of Issue:
there all in english and not spanish in the spanish language. if theres a visual bug and the images dont appear.

Screenshots and/or video:

Thanks for submitting a report about an issue with our translations!

The text you mentioned intentionally isn’t translated.

In future, we ask that you only submit reports about existing translations that you feel aren’t correct, or could be improved.

Be sure to read this post before submitting further reports:

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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