Non-Translated PT_BR after eat cupcake in Murder Mistery

Affected Language:
Português (Brasil)

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
In the Backroom map of Muder Mistery

Affected Text:
“» You eat the cupcake… you feel different.”

Suggested Text:
“» Você comeu o bolinho… Você se sente estranho.” or can do a more literal one “» Você comeu o bolinho… Você se sente diferente.”

Explanation of Issue:
Well, mostly because its not translated at all, and could give more immersion to a non-english speaker to understand what is written on a message after you eat something (of course you can see the effect like speed or invisibility, but it stills makes a little bit of difference in the immersion)

Screenshots and/or video:
Screenshot of the affected text

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Hey there :wave:

Thanks for submitting a report about an issue with our translations!

The text you mentioned currently isn’t translated but will be in the future.

In future, we ask that you only submit reports about existing translations that you feel aren’t correct, or could be improved.

Be sure to read this post before submitting further reports:

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face:

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