Estadísticas de Skywars

Affected Language:
Spanish (Latin American)

Affected Service (Game name, hub, or menu):
Skywars microhub

Affected Text:
Well, there are actually three, and I listed them ascending in order;
Mystery Chests
Ores Mined
Spells Used

Suggested Texts:
Cofres de Misterio
Minerales Extraídos
Hechizos Usados

Explanation of Issue:
The rest of the stats are translated, while the bottom three aren’t.

Screenshots and/or video:

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Hey there :wave:

Thanks for submitting a report about an issue with our translations!

The text you mentioned currently isn’t translated but will be in the future.

In future, we ask that you only submit reports about existing translations that you feel aren’t correct, or could be improved.

Be sure to read this post before submitting further reports:

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face: