Translation Bug Report. 8/26/2022

Hello, my name is DiscoFan1977. I have something to say about the bug report. I changed the language to Mexico. So I went on the hive to test out the Mexico language. So I caught something odd. So with the new treasure hub event. The treasure map which is located in you’re hot-bar, anyways. The treasure map wasn’t Spanish. It was still English. (I am so sorry if this is really off topic but when I hold the treasure map. I can still see my hand)

Here is my evidence to support my sentence

Hey there :wave:

Thanks for submitting a report about an issue with our translations!

The text you mentioned currently isn’t translated but might be in the future.

In future, we ask that you only submit reports about existing translations that you feel aren’t correct, or could be improved.

Be sure to read this post before submitting further reports:

Have a great day! :slightly_smiling_face: