Bed Wars / Ranked Gamemode

Ranked Mode = Competitive Mode. So what I was thinking is you guys should add a competitive mode for the players that know how to play. So the new players dont have to face against good people and lose and rage quit the hive. This has been a proplem on many other games and servers. I dont want this problem happening on the Hive Network because Hive is one of my favorite servers.

If you are over level 20 you advance to competitive / which means hackers cant join competitive games and by then when they hack to get to level 20 they would already be banned. Even if they dont get banned and get in to competitive league. I’m pretty sure they will get banned in like the 3-5 game they play because competitive players take the game seriously and will report hackers almost instantly

Good or bad mobile players dont have to play competitive. It will be a option when you click on BedWars. As you can see fortnite has a competitive gamemode and a casual gamemode.

BedWars is a 8 player game but the only objective isn’t to destroy beds it’s to gather resources so you can buy Armor And Weapons at the shop. You could wait till deathmatch so you dont have to worry about beds.

When deathmatch begins its basically a Battle


Yes, this is the best idea.


Vote this so it gets out there and admins or dev’s see this / Scroll up to see the description and what I think on it


I’m not exactly against ranked mode, but I do know that this would also make leaderboarders/frequent players mad, which would lead to a huge hacking issue with the leaderboard/frequent players. Also you would still have a hacking issue with the non-competitive games, if you kept ranked a separate thing it could work, but your idea seems to be implying that anyone with a high level would be dumped into a competitive queue, which wouldn’t remove any of these problems but simply just displace them. As no high level player (except for a small minority) would actually do this if it was optional, and we would all quit if it was forced toward us, I know for a fact I’d just grab my alt and pack up the bags on my main if this became a thing.

So summary: I’m not against a competitive mode if it was optional, but it wouldn’t do anything as very few players would play it, and if this was a required thing it would displace this issue to the higher level players, screw over mobile players, and we would all burn through alts or just quit.

Also need to add this before I get countered, high level players in any game are essential for any game, as if Hive had no high level players the community would be in shambles and the server would have a difficult time getting any revenue as there wouldn’t be any players dedictated enough to buy like 20-30 dollars worth of costumes. Every game needs players who are really good at it so players can try to work up to that level.


In my opinion / Even if they dont get banned and get in to competitive league. I’m pretty sure they will get banned in like the 3-5 game they play because competitive players take the game seriously and will report hackers almost instantly

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Ok, so maybe we wouldn’t have a huge hacker issue in the short term, but do you have anything to challenge the fact this only displaces the issues you described, doesn’t solve them, this also screws over high(ish)-level mobile players who play the game alot, this also basically says, “If I’m new to the game I only want to vs other new players and I want the seasoned players to only fight other seasoned players”. I don’t think players who play the game for a long time should be punished (kinda) by being forced to play against players who also play the game for a long time. Like fortnite may have done this but fortnite is a 100 player battle royale where your primary goal is literally to gain loot, kill,and rack up stats. Treasure wars is a 8-person game where your goal is to destroy treasures and win, also fortnite has like money and tournaments and stuff, so separating play queues for that somewhat makes sense, even though I find it to be a wash in fortnites scenario as this does put everyone on a balanced field, but not an even field. Hive to accomplish this successfully without lots of backlash would have to advertise the game like crazy, and rework the entire game structure only to just barely break even reasoning wise. I think hive’s “matchmaking system (it doesn’t really exist)” is just fine rn


Good or bad mobile players dont have to play competitive. As you can see fortnite has a competitive gamemode and a casual gamemode.

Treasure wars is a 8 player game but the only objective isn’t to destroy treasures it’s to gather resources so you can buy Armor And Weapons at the shop. You could wait till deathmatch so you dont have to worry about treasures.

When deathmatch begins its basically a Battle


This is a suggestion I know it will take a long time to program and advertise so dont go to deep into this.


I just deleted most of my replies since there was a misunderstanding, so if it doesn’t make sense up there thats why


I think that there should be 4 players in each game and solos only. There could also be a leaderboard for the win rate as solos grinding against 20+ players takes quite a bit more skill than squads grinding against semi-afk people. Ranked stats should also be different from normal stats as you could die a bit more from fighting better players.

The only con that I can think of with this is that queues would be longer. The pros definitely outweigh the cons though.

Maybe you could also vote for Duos maps in ranked? Since most maps in Solos use the diamond island for the first rush and Duos has most maps with direct rushes, it could definitely be fun. I really want to be able to use Stranded’s diagonal rush(which requires only 32 blocks if you go DIAGONAL, not bridging straight and turning 90 degrees) in Solos.


It would be different, possibly having its own leaderboard and won’t count for stats in normal mode. It would be like Hypixel’s Ranked Skywars.


Yeah I got confused and thought competitive would be required, I agree with everything you said Ryan

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Woah woah whoa what happened here?
Edit: I read the whole thing.

Yeah I hate haunted for that, it was a good solo map but they ruined it for some reason, it’s not like any other solo map.



I somewhat agree, but I do like the part where hackers cant join, as I’ve been running into plenty so far, and a competitive/insane mode would be quite nice to have.


I think th are a great idea

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Yeah, although it is a direct rush it takes more blocks to go from each island to another.

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I don’t know why would they change a normal map to make it like something it’s not supposed to be: the duos map is also the solos one for some reason

What do you mean by that? Haunted changed?

Yes 6 months ago

I do think ranked would need incentive, like maybe double xp or when lb rewards are released the ranked LB would get double, otherwise it would be a mode everyone plays for 2 weeks before it starts having like 0 players

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