Ranked and others

I think we should have a ranked system and a matchmaking for players who are new for example new players with a lower level and low stats get put in easy games or low level but higher states like 500 games and 450 wins 100 kills and more should get put in games with people with stats like that and ranked gameplay could bring back your player base and it could get you more or the YouTuber you lost for example Deices he left cuz the game wasn’t fun and there were no new updates and I don’t want to see hive die so plz listen

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Ranked modes have been suggested multiple times. Notably here and here

the matchmaking thing has been suggested too
the problem with it is that most hackers use alt accounts which naturally have low levels and stats. so, new players will have too many hackers in their games.
higher level players can also just alt and play with low levels.
higher levels who don’t want to play sweaty will also be forced to.

better explanations: bap and bam

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This might be a good idea so most matches will be intense and exciting. But, some people would have anxiety because the rank shows detailed skills and comparisons to other players.

Duplicate Post.