My Quest-V2 Ideas Mega post

This post is a lot similar to this post so I’ll hit you with a link.

So, we all know that the hive is planning to release Quest-V2 so, here are all my ideas that I would like to implement on the Quest-V2 update.

A Bigger Place

The hive did change where the quest master was and made it into a nice log cabin. Though, what if the log cabin was bigger? There could be 3 extra floors to the log cabin, for different categories of items. This could be a lot better for the updates coming with Quest-V2

2 Extra Costumes

What if there were 2 extra costumes with various prices for rarity? For example, one normal costume is 500qp but what if one was 600p or 450p? This could be a nice variety for players to pick from.

Double XP for fewer minutes

The regular Double XP is about one hour. Which cost 200qp. But what about 30 minutes for about 100qp? 10 minutes which can be 30qp, 20 minutes for 60qp and so on. This can be great for new players just doing one or two tasks and just getting a nice easy reward, and sweaty players who want to get the harder reward like doing a lot of tasks. This can be also useful for the hive++ mega post feature (multiple quests at once) here

More gifts

Now, this can be quite controversial, but what if there are really hard rewards to get, like 2 or 3 gifts instead of the 1 gift that costs 1500qp. 2 can be 3000qp, and 3 can be 4500qp. It can be a lot easier if you have a lot of qp and want to give it to a ton of people or give 1 person a lot of gifts.

Giving quest coins

Btw I got my idea from this post
so make sure to take a look at it! So we all know the gifting thing, right? Being able to gift hive+, cosmetics, ships, etc. So what if there is a way to gift other people quest points? It could be very useful especially when you’re almost to reach your goal. But what if you trade quest points for cosmetics/items? For example: Here is my friend Billy. He wants this cool costume that is very expensive, but I have it. So as a friend, I give it to him at a lower price than the usual 250-350 quest points, now you could say that this could be abused. But you can only get 3-5 things from your friends and 3-5 back. every month.


Now this is the most controversial part. If players still can’t buy Hive+ cause their THAT broke. They can get Hive-Q-VIP which instead of real-life money, you buy a membership with quest points every year which is 8000 quest points. (5.5k quest points on black Friday Thanks @RandomSheep2530 for the fix of how much quest points.) Your rank would be Hive-Q-VIP which would only give you 5 extra friends. 2 extra servers and get the costume and hubtitle from the last three months. No hive+ costumes or hubtitles. You will still get the green nametag though. And can gift people hive++ limited for 4500qp points

Mini ideas:

The Quest lounge! (Shout out to @AaravPlayzYT125 for this idea.)

The quest lounge is a place on the top of the castle, where you’re able to trade, gift, and chill with people. It will have its own chat for people only with Hive Q-VIP. You’ll be also able to have a window to see everyone from the ground in the castle.

Discord for Hive+ limited.

Hive+ limited rank.
Hive+ limited channel.

Thank you for reading. Hope you like this suggestion. If you have any mini suggestions or ideas, or mistakes I made, please put them in the comments (Concepts are always accepted!)

I just skimmed it, but I think it’s really i good.
I think questmaster needs a bigger house, and maybe you can choose between a couple of costumes by clicking a button that changes the choices.


A quest V2 is already in planned

There is the link to the roadmap :black_heart:

Have a nice start of the year


So was swarms, that means nothing

This also is a post describing what the poster thinks Quests V2 should be like.


what does that mean???

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It means, you know when the coustume with the hubtitle? It comes with every hubtitle that the quest had so all the way back in 2018 to 2024, you get all the hubtitles. Also happy new year!

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Also, thank you @Bubblez705


Nah i wont agree with from all the way from 2018 though it could be a few months


I guess your right so, im thinking to change it to the last 3 months but with the costume too.

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Seems fair to me!


I think quest v2 needs these features just the private lounge sounds so cool never got the 100 mailbots so I never got to see the lounge for that



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hive-q-vip should be more like 7.5k imo, and 12.5k or 15k if the limited hive+ lasts a year. other than that, great!


Ikr? Facts!!!

Yeah I guess your right. Ima change it to 8k, and on black friday 5.5k

Edit: I just realized this is longer than this mega post:

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hey there, so kind of a late response, but this the idea of the quest lounge:

on the MASSIVE tree near the questmaster, (the massive green one with a ton of branches) there will be a dripleaf-kind-of leaf and shoot the player into a large tree house! up there will be exclusive rewards such as:

  • 2hr boosters
  • EXCLUSIVE monthly costumes limited to the ones who have access to the lounge
  • backbling/hat gift tokens (1 per 5000

Thats a bit like Hive+ minihub! although for everyone

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And, It’s gone… QM v2 is no longer planned…