Do you know which post got it
Edit: I’ve found it Kills and treasure breaks in chat
Congrats Slime for posting it and getting so many votes, I guess
Do you know which post got it
Edit: I’ve found it Kills and treasure breaks in chat
Congrats Slime for posting it and getting so many votes, I guess
Well of course I know, it’s mine
Oh you found it
74 votes and yet nothing changed
That’s not how it works. I also had to wait about 8 months for my suggestion to be added.
ye ik. Sad that it wasn’t changed during the mini update lol. Also i’m coming for that record
We can certainly look into changing this
yay a splodger replied but yay cause the only reason i even use it is when i need a helmet lol
Yeah, I agree. The enchant is fairly useless and doesn’t have any real use to the game (besides if you need a helmet).
A wild Splodger appeared
It’s there to trick people into thinking that you have a protection helmet. It was added for a reason.
74 people seem to disagree with that reason lol
It’s probably not planned to be changed, besides, what enchantment would they make it anyways? Making it protection would make it the same as diamond, since the protection 1 iron is the same as a diamond.
Some people have already suggested projectile protection and fire protection
I think thorns would be fun to counter absorption imo
Half an extra armour bar would like to talk to you
No, I used to think that, it’s not true, I believe diamond is like prot 3 iron
Fire protection would honestly be pretty useless
nah, on hive Prot 1 is basically diamond, it’s been tested
That’s really dumb then.