Idea: Knockback Nemo Counter
Spellbook that reduces knockback for “x” seconds.
More information: The Knockback Nemo is a very controversial item, some people love it and some people don’t like it. It’s a very common topic on the forums with lots of posts about it.
Knockback Nemo Topics
Knockback nemo usage limit
Make the knockback nemo nerfed and it kills players with no knockback
The knockback nemo being to op
Add a cooldown to Knockback Nemo
Nerf the knockback nemo
Remove Nemo Vertical Knockback
One way to counter a knockback nemo is placing blocks behind you. Another way to counter it was crouching and you’d take less knockback but with the update crouching won’t decrease your knockback, decreasing our opportunities to counter a nemo. I had a discussion on the Hive Discord about armor that could reduce knockback but that seems to be a very long-lasting counter. I shifted thoughts to the form of a spellbook. A spellbook would be used once and you’d need to plan when to use it against a player with a nemo. Adding a new counter but balancing it with a temporary counter and a time limit you have to use it. The player would of course take more knockback just less. 20% less? 30%? 40%? I did some testing with Twiliqhtt and found a reasonable amount of reduced knockback. If you’d like to see the testing you can find it linked below. This testing uses 5 scenarios, all the scenarios can be found in the spreadsheet.
Using the data I found a reasonable amount of reduced knockback with the spellbook, 10-20%. With this amount of reduced knockback the timing of the spell would last 5-10 seconds.I set 5 seconds as a base similar to the Spell of Switness. Of course if you would like to reduce the knockback more, (to around 60%) you can decrease the time of the spell. If you’d like a low amount of reduced knockback, (around 10%) you can increase increase how long the spell lasts. Once again, this will be found in the data sheet.
This is only if knockback were reduced for the nemo. If all knockback was reduced it would ultimately become harder to use snowballs, combo, and maintain a combo. For such a rare item the spellbook would seem too common as an item, it would take a chunk of the drop rates for the other spells. Because the nemo is so rare the spell needs to be a little bit more common than the nemo. You wouldn’t be able to find it in the Mystery Chest. This counter is only able to be obtained through mining ores or Ender Chests and a low chance of a spawn island chest. This could lead to different strategies, a higher use of spells (due to not getting a “Spell of Reduced Knockback,” and another reason to mine Spell Ore. Personally, I don’t mine Lapis too often because I see little point to it. I’ll mine it for the quests or if I need a Spell of Life to heal.
-The testing was done on a strip of blocks with blocks on the side so you’d only go straight back.
-Big thanks to @twiliqhtt for testing with me and getting wacked a lot
-There are a lot of variables when testing with knockback nemo and it’s very hard to isolate them all, I tested to the best of my abilities, there will of course be uncounted variables in my tests
-I’d love feedback regarding the timing of the spell and how much knockback is reduced.
-I will be gone Mon-Fri (12th-16th) so I won’t be replying to any comments or be active on the forums
Seems no one read the part where I mentioned it would only reduce knockback for the nemo. No other knockback would be reduced by the spell except nemo