I think you should remove or make the knockback nemo a lower chance of getting because everytime someone has it they abuse it
A lot of people say this but instead of complaining u should figure out how to counter the KB Nemo and learn to fight it
Also Welcome to the forums!
Tbh I was just making a request like I know alot of counters but ppl will come from behind or you blink and your gone so kinda to op
They don’t abuse it, they just use it lol.
Welcome to the forums
The Nemo is fine where it is, but recently, I’ve been getting it more now. If someone has a Nemo, just stay away from the edge, it’s pretty simple if you’re at mid
Yeah kinda op but maybe just try not for them to sneak up on u
If they removed the knock back Nemo i know their would be a lot of diffrent opinions on that
No bc what I mean saying they abuse it is I just went in alot of games and alot of ppl only used it as there weapons but thx for the advice:)
True thanks for the advice
If that’s their only weapon, then they’re most likely just a spammer. I would recommend using my tip, because those people aren’t that good at the game tbh
Lol also true thx for letting me know
digging a one block hole and jumping into it might help, keep an ender pearl handy if you need to clutch
I like using nemo. Its fun.
Also, welcome to the forums! This is a dup of a lot of suggestions. Please use the search tool in the top right before making a suggestion.
Bruh it already has like a 1 percent chance of getting.
If I get a Nemo, I just throw it off the edge lol
Dude same I also do that it’s too op and I absolutely dislike it so when I get it I’ll not use or hide it somewhere or throw in da void
Well you are the king of fish tho lol