New Arcade Gamemode- Practice


A single player game where you
practice pvp and other skills,
for example,
bridging- will have a fastest time leader board,
1v1- most kills leader board,
clutching- most deaths leader board,

the gamemode will be max xp level will be 20,50,75,69,100.

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Ok i like the idea but

  1. Most deaths for clutching? Why not most blocks successfully clutched?

  2. 69 isn’t funny + that ordering is all messed up

bro, first of all i did most deaths because it was 3 in the morning and second of all when you hit 69 in skywars or teasure wars you get the hb title nice.

bro, first of all reply to me with the reply button so i can get notified and second of all i don’t care if it was three in the morning, it’s a bad idea to have most deaths as a leaderboard third of all i don’t care if 69 grants nice hubtitle, it’s simply not funny and there’s literally nothing to laugh at ( like seriously it’s not funny ) fourth of all 69 wouldn’t make sense, as it’s only 19 up from 50 and 6 away from 75 so it’s really not worth the bother fifth of all practicing bridging has already been suggested sixth of all how would a 1v1 practice work? would it be against other players (already exists) or would it be against bots(has been suggested but i can’t be bothered finding it) seventh of all clutching has basically been suggested before

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Single player stuff isn’t really something the Hive will ever add, since it will cost them a lot. All those things can be done in your own world,
besides 1v1 if you don’t have someone else, you don’t need leaderboards for practicing stuff.

Multiple max levels?

Anyways here is a post for pvp with a bot

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wow, chill dude

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oh sorry, i meant to say max level can be, hive can choose which max level they want.

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ong bro this guy so mad on a minecraft forum suggestion :skull:

I’m just gonna say this now so this stops happening in other topics:

A lot of your messages seem to come off as toxic. The reason zpc replied to you lol that is because you started off your reply with, “bro, first of all…” which immediately put you off on a bad foot. I would highly recommend stopping before moderators start to get involved

As for the actual topic: As many have said before, I think this could all be achieved in a single player world so I don’t see the need for this.


the problem with that is that you would have to do a lot of command blocks and people like me i dont do command blocks alot.

Not really the world is infinite, just build else where. You can fill your inventory with blocks and bridge and clutch with no commands needed. The most commands you’ll ever need for this is /fill whatever area you want into air, and then one for giving you blocks, /give. Both of those you can look up on YouTube, and are pretty simple commands. A 1v1 could use a lot if you wanted it to be good, but I’d recommend filling a chest with all the loot you will use for 1v1s.

i guess but its better with command blocks

I agree. Like the idea but also I think most clutched instead of most deaths.

i dont care what the leaderboards are, those are just examples of what i can be.

I think this is a good idea in general even tho it has a few things that need to be fixed. I’m voting for it :smile:

ya, it does :slight_smile:

Yep i made that suggestion but they won’t add it, cus for me it was harder to get in zeqa.