So my idea is to add Obstacle Course and Clutch to practice for pvp, like a training
More information:
It could be interesting to make Obstacle Course on hive instead of downloading map (that console players cant) and clutch to train if we get comboed off.
It’s just a suggestion that I wish it could be added to The Hive.
It would be cool but that most likely won’t happen because of custom servers. You can go into a custom server and build your own obstacle course! Also you can go into your own world and build one if you don’t want to set one up everytime.
Hey hey hey! I hope you are having a beetastic day!
I suggest making individual suggestions, so The Hive staff know what we’re voting for.
Also make sure you’re using the (search) tool to make sure that you don’t make a duplicate suggestion. OR THE DEMONS WILL COME