AI's in Custom Servers

Artificial Intelligence inside of Custom Servers.

You would be able to fill games with AI’s, which would look like the Hive Steve. They would of course function in the same way as normal players (as much as possible).


This sounds very interesting, it could be a good way to get practice or to test out ideas. The only problem is making sure they are smart enough to perform well. I would just want to see a difficulty mode so you can change how good the bots are.


I think that’s a good idea so you don’t feel actually lonely


I feel like it would be way too hard to make competent ai’s for any game but hns and dr(and ai’s would really only work as deaths there), as the other games have a lot of planning you have to do ahead of time. I guess sg might be possible for an ai, but would still be a stretch.


As much as this seems like a good idea, as Blaze said, I feel like it would be pretty hard to make AI’s for some games, and if this becomes a thing then I would rather you be able to control the amount of AI in a custom server only, but not have AI in public games. Nonetheless, an interesting idea ^-^


no thanks I don’t wanna have to leave asia and go back to north America because of this

That was much more of a side note, I am mainly suggesting AI in custom servers rather than that.


This should be added into cs and would be the first featured server to have AI, doe it would be quite hard to implement

I think AI practice in swarms lobby would be great, I think that having to create even a simple AI and perhaps making different levels could be quite difficult and may even lag the game.

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and AI in just build, now thats a thought. Also this is quite similar to this PvP practice and AI

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Bump because I feel like many people would want this implemented.

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I feel like that would be especially good in murder mystery and you would be able to practice all kinds of stuff like routes to take, practice aim, practice being murderer, etc. Also, I think is would be good for a lot of other game modes where you can practice combos and pvp.

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Great idea! This would be useful for practicing pvp as well as testing other ideas. Voted <3