Do you hate typing long usernames?

is it just me who HATES having to write people’s usernames, like especially is they’re complicated.

so i thought i’d suggest a double click feature where you… well double click their character and you have the option to friend someone, gift them, inv them to a party etc.

hive is a excellent server and all the staff are really helpful, thankyou.


my ign having the longest number of characters: …

If the person is in your hub to tap on, you could just use tab I think. Maybe not though, so take vote :+1:
plus every platform besides windows 10 can’t use the tab key :open_mouth:


on switch theres a button for tab


yess! i relate haha

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I can type fast so it is not annoying

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20 day bump just to say that? mmhm. i know it hasn’t been a month but it just seems kinda dumb


I definitely hate typing hard long usernames

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Me with a super long, and hard to spell username :smirk:



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oh yeah, what does a bump mean? apparently i had a 20 day bump

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It’s posting on a thread that hasn’t been posted on for over 10 days. They are allowed if you’re bringing something valuable to the discussion, or if you want others to see the idea


oh sorry didn’t realise, i will be more aware


Don’t worry about it; You didn’t know



I really like this idea it would make friending a lot easier especially for someone like me who has over 250 invites
I also suggest the options to

  • Join their party if you were invited
  • report that player
  • accept a friend request from them if one was sent
  • view their stats (but idk if hive feels comfortable doing that)
    So it would be a mini profile/menu like other servers have

Yes! It is a good feature idea and I know Lifeboat has something just like this. I would recommend as a quality-of-life change in a future update :slight_smile:

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bump bc dupe and:
I think it should be left trigger for console (I think rightclick on pc) rather than a double click, and it should prioritize opening a menu if youre a menu item (game compass, friend book, etc)
and you can view stats in microhubs and see them on the player search so that would be cool

Maybe not hold cus its realy annoying when using stuff sk maybe holding a certain item and maybe a dropdown menu like in CubeCraft (i think)

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