A Way to make sending friends invites easier and quicker

For me it’s hard to send friend invites because I have to remember every letter and number of there name. So what if when u have the name tag on ur hand you can tap on people that you want to send a friend invite to and then a UI pops up on ur screen that says “do u want to send a friend invite to spiderboy3889 (that’s was a random name)” this would make it much easier and quicker for people with bad memory to friend people.

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This could be annoying under some circumstances, for instance people with high ping or mobile players in specific could accidentally tap on a player and then accidentally send them a friend request, could be good if a UI popped up saying “Do you want to send a friend request to X”

I thought of that That’s why it only works when you have the name tag in your hand.

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Yes but people do hold the name tag, this wouldn’t get around it.

Is a UI the thing pops up on ur screen when like when ur in the shop in TW


Ok I’m going to edit my suggestion

Heyo :wave:
This has been suggested before, you can find the original post here: Do you hate typing long usernames?
Make sure to use the search bar next time so you can make sure that your suggestion hasn’t been suggested before.
You seem to have also made 2 threads on this same idea, please don’t do that as it creates clutter and is just unnecessary, especially as the idea as a whole has been suggested before.
You can close this Ani :3