Click on a Player

So I saw a suggestion to allow you to friend or gift for example someone’s without typing in a long username.
Anyway my idea is in hub or a lobby you can click on players with a eye of ender or something and it allows you to send a gift or friend them without going to a menu to type in their name. It essentially auto-fills there name. There would be an interface with buy gift, invite to party, and friend whenever you click on them

This should be in #suggestions

Oh yeh I totally don’t know why I didn’t this!

If you are describing what I am thinking of, I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this exact feature in another server(s). The Hive wants to be as original as possible.

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Copy? I don’t think so, haven’t seen this before and I don’t think it’s completely unoriginal. I don’t think many will take a giant issue with this suggestion if it is implemented if it’s a ‘copy’

why did you put it in #suggestions:treasure-wars
Put it in #suggestions:anything-else

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Again sorry I don’t know what I’m doing today.

So, is the idea that you can click on people in the hub to bring up a menu, to then be able to add them as a friend and etc? Sorry I’m a bit confused :smile:

this is a feature on galaxite. You right click a player and a menu pops up, however this means that you cant punch and rapidly crouch at someone to say hi unfortunately, so an ender eye could work. I also think there should be a /player =player name= which brings up a menu, giving you an option to gift, friend or party them and see if theyre online. should i make a seperate suggestion for this?


Yes other servers have it but it would make partying a lot easier if you don’t add etc


Yes so in lobby’s and hubs you can click on someone for an eye of ender and then it brings up a menu on your screen of invite to party, gift and invite friend.

I think we could just add the /player to this as that would mean loads of threads and they would be in he same update if were added

Hi there! This seems to be a duplicate suggestion of this topic: Do you hate typing long usernames?
In the future please use the search command to make sure your idea hasn’t already been suggested