Adding lava buckets and water buckets to skywars

i mean im not really trying to fix fire swords just trying to improve the meta, we already have flint n steel (fire charge) and lava would add a bunch kf different strategies


I agree with maybe doing a fire resistance spellbook rather than lava/water (hive still can’t process those right smh), but adding the water and lava later, pretty good method for this I think lol


Hmm, I like the idea, but I don’t know about lava buckets, if you catch on fire you can counter it by getting into the ponds at middle. Water buckets I do agree should be added.


I don’t see what the big deal with lava buckets are. :thinking:
It’ll practically be the same as the fire aspect sword and they’re easily counter-able by using blocks


When people go in the lava, it slows them down a lot. More time inside the lava= more damage taken.

Also if you are running away from someone, you can just look down, jump and place the bucket beneath you. This will cause your pursuer to go inside the lava. This slows them down and they also catch on fire. Turning around at hitting them with a fire sword will set them on fire, but by turning around, you take a risk that he gets a combo on you and kills you.

Also let’s say someone is in a hole. They will take more damage if they get lava poured on them then just hitting them with a fire sword.

There are lots of uses of lava buckets over fire swords imo


I think the most important thing to keep in mind with this discussion is that lava and water don’t flow on The Hive, which limits what people can do with it and prevents big map coverage.

As for obsidian creation, I’m not sure about that.


Would be interesting to be able to block trap users who hide under the map. So you’ve got my vote.

this would be a great addition because they said they’re improving physics, which would definitely help for water and lava

also, 47 votes :))


Great idea definitely should be added, can’t wait to miss an mlg and die lol. Mostly i wanna obby trap someone


Whos gonna be the first to make a nether portal in skywars


I’m pretty sure that won’t be a thing, as Hive can disable that. Tho the question is if they will


if they disable that hows deathrun gonna work

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I’m talking about water and lava colliding and creating obsidian/cobble

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oh i thought u meant disabling nether portals

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My bad, I should’ve made that clearer

They better not disable this i wanna obby trap

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obby traps would just be used to delay games indefinitely, and obby wouldn’t add anything besides that

How would it delay the game lol. You trap them and move on and if they are the last person alive hit the bottom of the skin

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Some people would trap them and leave them there until the game ends. Which delays the game.


That would kill them either way. Obby traps make players take damage