The zombie infection mode

The idea is there are 12 players max and 2 of the players will turn into zombies within 10 seconds. And all of the survivors have 4 minutes to survive. And also the survivors can barricade the doors those 2 “players” zombie can infect those survivors.

Players inventory: A bow with a little knock back

Zombie’s strength:
° they have speed
° 200 HP

My apologies for my grammar.

I haven’t played Hive’s ltm minigame Ghost invasion on Halloween and I might be wrong, but this is the same as Ghost Invasion


Ah, i see I haven’t tried that mode yet I started playing the hive a few months ago.

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Yes, It is very similar to Ghost Invasion which is a limited time mode (LTM), usually it comes around Halloween time.


its very similar, yes.

woozie replyed saying the same thing… did you really have to too?

sorry if I’m getting mad too fast lmao


Please don’t sign your posts. It’s against the rules, and we can already see you wrote it


What do you mean by that?

The title should be Infection mode, not infection mode by cremser :+1:

there’s already many suggestions for this game mode, also maybe not called infection, could raise some red flags.

Why? But that’s my idea for the mode to be called. And i didn’t even know that there’s a ghost mode thingy in the hive. Started playing a few months ago

Hmmm, why would the word infection not raise red flags in 2020? Hmm I wonder why? But yeh maybe zombies would be a better name.

Why would having infection in the name of a minigame be dangerous.


have you been outside this year? It’s called covid-19 it’s a virus that infects you.

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minecraft =/= real life

smh just please stop taking this seriously
and you are against this just because of a name?? bruh


This seems very similar to Cod zombies but would like to have it as a permanent game unlike Ghost Invasion

The word infection is dangerous because there’s a new virus infecting people?

Millions of people die from war, I don’t see the word “war” being removed from Treasure wars and Skywars.