As I mentioned before on another thread, the bridge would fit right in among the pvp arenas already shown off for swarms. All games of the arena’s currently shown are fast paced, fairly quick and easy to develop, and simple concepts. The Bridge fits the criteria for a pvp arena game, and I think it would be the perfect addition to the pvp hall.
Edit: for those who don’t know the bridge is a game where two teams spawn on separate items with a bridge made of blue and red concrete in between them. All players spawn with a pickaxe, a stack of concrete, golden apples, and an iron sword. The goal of the game is to jump into the enemy teams goal while defending your own. The first team to 5 goals wins.
Hello there!
Great suggestion but i would recommend you to edit this in the same thread for everyone’s convince and the bridge has already been suggested
You might be knowing how to search , so would recommend doing that.
cannot vote so heres a +1
Thanks for your feedback! I am aware this has been suggested before, but not in terms of a swarm arena, and I thought it would be better to make a new thread rather than bumping the old one so people could vote on it.
Somehow this has less votes than the amount of likes it got when I suggested it on another thread. The forums confuse me sometimes
People have a limited number of votes, to prevent spam voting or something. It’s not that great of a feature imo
Wait, what are those “Swarm Arenas?” Did I miss some news?
Yeah i can relate to that also @SlimeGuy6675