New Permanent MiniGame Needed

Imagine Hive but with the following games [MLGrush, Bridge, Sumo, Duels] Just think about it

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Mixed Arcade is already in the works.

To prevent these suggestions always check the hive roadmap

Edit: what happened why is the roadmap inside here



pls don’t ping all mods when asking to close a suggestion.
ping the people that actually close them, so maybeShiela, Hlzyzptlk, anikitten or JustTakesEffort.
you’re pinging people that dont even close suggestions.


Chances are, all of the mods would close a thread if asked, it’s just that they don’t go on the forums that often.

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that’s technically incorrect
you can check the list of moderators Moderators - The Hive Forums
and you’ll see that they’ve all been online fairly recently except for Malu and Blueveria.
but that’s besides the point
my point being, when a thread is closed, it’s one of the four i previously mentioned.
so why would you ping everyone instead of just those who actually close suggestions?

I don’t know about mlg rush, but the bridge has already been suggested(For swarms:Swarm Bridge Arena, for a minigame:Add The Bridge Mini Game on Hive - #11 by Ryan), and sumos and duels will be included with swarms

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Apparently they’d rather you’d flag then ping even one mod to close it

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