Selective Queueing

Selective Queues

Make it where you can select your queues like mobile only, console only or all platforms

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alot of controller mobile players i play with agree with me and say that its boring only playing against mobile players and its where most the hackers are too, add in a choice to pick platform specific queueing or all platforms queues.

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I agree. its no fun playing mobile controller and winning every single game

The problem here is a computer player queuing in a mobile game and wrecking every one. this is why the HIVE has added Platform Based Matchmaking, feel free to find out more here

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The Hive Team is also working on Input Based Matchmaking so players who play with controller on mobile are queued into console/controller games.

I mean, why should mobile players be forced to only play with mobile players if they want to play with other platforms? I’m pretty sure what they want is a way to automatically take you to the highest queue if you want crossplay.

Cough Cough

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To provide the best experience for console players, we will not allow other platforms to join these queues solo.