You should maybe have an “Incoming Gift” inventory of some sort that you can choose to accept or deny gifts (or maybe even gift the incoming gifts to other friends who actually want it).
I am a long time player who has no hive plus and is max level in every pvp gamemode. If someone were to gift me hive plus I truly think I would leave the community and the reason for that is when people see me in lobbies, they would have no idea the actual amount of grinding I put in to get where I am now. I know many other people who would say the same as well. I feel this is a necessary addition, at least for me, to keep on playing The Hive. Please seriously consider adding this in.
Edit: A great suggestion was made by AculAce. The suggestion was to add a toggle in the /toggles settings to be able to be gifted by other players. This would stop people from complaining when they accidentally deny a Hive Plus gift. Upon trying to gift someone that has their gifting toggle off it would say something on the lines of “You cannot gift to this player.”
Like I said in the topic I linked, I don’t see why anyone besides you would want to reject Hive+. If this was a thing, some people might accidentally choose reject and then the staff will have to deal with it which would be a massive pain.
I do agree with you, even as someone who HAS Hive+. I understand the reasoning behind it for sure. It might be a duplicate suggestion, but its worth noting
i mean why would you rlly want to reject a gift. i see the case of @AnAbsurdName where you’d want to try to grind without hive plus, but other than that i would see why someone would spend money to give you a gift for them just to reject it. it just doesn’t seem that logical
So that , for example if I have the toggle on and someone tries to gift me it would say
‘Sorry but you can’t gift this player*
And in this way the money of the person gifting won’t go to waste
I would want to reject hive+, im tryna get to prestige 5 in murder mystery without hive+ and if someone was to gift me hive+ at prestige 4 lv 87 or whatever that would really mess with my goal