Puplic servers

Custom servers can be made public

When creating a custom server for a minigame there can be a option to make it public to get more players

Lets say you have no friends but want to make a custom sky wars minigame to show then there can be a new option to make it public then when some one wants to join they can click a new avatar in the hub that shows how’s custom server you can join

No more invo


This is a dupe suggestion:Cs: Public Lobbies, Custom Servers Display, Custom Server Access

Pls use the search function before creating a topic
Also welcome to the forums , hope you enjoy your stay



This is a duplicate suggestion I think is what they meant, use the :mag: before posting next time and use keywords that relate to your idea to make sure you have an original idea and don’t make a duplicate suggestion

It was not only once a suggestion but like four times+

quadruple suggestion doesn’t make sense to someone who has just joined the forums

Yeah you’re right I’ll change it

Duplicate Suggestion