Prepare for the forum Xbox Live login migration

Welp when this change happens, that means goodbye this forum account I’ve only had for like a week…

(the email for my forum account and the email for xbox live are completely different. I dont even know the password for the email for xbox live as it’s not mine…even if I do figure out the password and switch emails, I’m probably gonna quit the forums cause I really dont want people seeing my super weird username full of cringe i made when i was younger for java, then making a username almost completely the same when I got my xbox and was making an account…)

I didnt even get to become a full member on here and I actually kind of wanted to get regular…well those dreams were smashed into the black hole.

you can change your username on xbox once for free

Oh yeah I had heard of that but I thought that was only for one day or at a certain time you could do that…

But can you still do that ? Change your gamertag for free ? (Mostly it’s just numbers I really wanna change so yeah.)

That sucks because I just got my forum name changed to just viro and when the migration comes it will be updated back to just evanviro

yea you can change it once for free. any other time it’ll be $10

Hm I’ll have to try it once my dang xbox finally decides to stop being annoying and let me sign back in…

SO @Hlzyzptlk the email I have for Microsoft isn’t my email, it’s someone else’s email. I would not like to contact and bother em, so when my forums username becomes “Bruhmomment24” (and yes spelled wrong lol) because the email that is linked for the forums is the same as that Microsoft account can my name be changed to “Pyroemperor”?

Never mind! I got it Holl zeez pit lick
I forgot how to pronounce it

Wait what do you mean “rip regular”

I’m personally just not a big fan. I feel like it might be annoying to my family because we all share a single microsoft account :confused: I think a better way is to just make our Ign display as our nickname.

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Our email will not be shown right

I hope not but if it does itll be my dad’s real name which is a large concern O.o

@clankstar I need to know this so nothing is revealed


Also where is the setting to turn off email notifs

Of course it won’t be shown! Now come on.

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Your email isn’t shown now, so it won’t be shown then.


What about regular, will everyone loose that?



I doubt it, as it will be the same account, the login info will just be shifted to using xbox accounts. That’s why your primary email is what matters


Wait… My email on Xbox is my personal one. My alias account is what is use for here. Is that a problem?

cause it will be a new account