New No-Build Area

This is really hard to accurately explain in my eyes so here’s 2 screenies:
Edit: Sorry for high saturation my tv has really high saturation and I can’t fix it.


No. I don’t think this would be good for anyone.


I like this, you have my vote!

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It’d be good for rushers like me!

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Yeah, it’s really annoying when people block off the stairs even when they are level 10+. You have my vote

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Thanks for agreeing!!!

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Hey there! This is a good idea, but we shouldnt make the whole map all No-Build area, i suggest enlargening the no-build area at spawn, since people can hold w and land on the platform they made close to the spawn area.

G’Bye! :wave:

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Literally just go around
It takes like a half a second of wall running
Or you can just break through with a pickaxe
No need for this


I feel as though this would be alittle bit odd as some people do have issues with stair glitching and being able to build over the stairs / around them helps a lot. :smile:

Do you use this strat and like winning so you don’t want it to go away?

Edit: @qLeash rip. I get 45 ping on a Nintendo switch

It’s not really about winning, its more that there are many counters to it, all of which are better than just removing it.
Just because something is of a slight inconvenience doesn’t mean it needs to be given the hammer, you just need to find ways to counter it, which there are many

Make my day and name some counters

You can also go on the same y-axis as it by bridging and then doing an easy jump to go above it
You can pillar up and then go above it

Is your day made or do I need to explain how to pillar up to you

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I mean, tbf another counter would just be doing it yourself lol

No I’m lvl 3 on bridge from people carrying me.
also stair glitching is a big thing for a lot of the Oceania community and just for others with terrible ping.

Never heard of stair glitching but it sounds pretty self explanatory

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You could just go up the blocks on the sides of the stairs.

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How does this post affect/have to do with stair glitching?

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I unfortunately disagree! I love having the ability to build there— especially when it comes to 1v1 battles.


You’d not be able to block the players on the stairs, which I think nobody’d like, I think bridge is fine as it is…

but leapers.

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