New No-Build Area

Everybody would like people not being blocked on stairs.

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no, many people wouldn’t like that

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But everybody would like to block others on the stairs.


I find it quite fun to go around it

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Stair glitching seems to be a pretty big thing for others that don’t have very good ping. :woman_shrugging:

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what no

blocking the stairs (aka hippoing) is a main part of the game, and the only defense that you’d get is the player at the base

‘everybody’ is definitely an overstatement


Have you heard of a sweeping generalization?

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No it just not true, 0 likes, 5 replies saying they disagree lol

(I accidentally misclicked the like button and for some reason I can’t unlike stuff anymore oops)


Omg bro
Just leap over the stair or just bridge over or something
Or do this

I’m so sorry I couldn’t just pass an opportunity to flex my iPad skills


But that’s annoying to do!

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Its also annoying to not be able to build in certain areas cough cough


Can we please make that area a no build area because people camp there so when you build up they just hit you off. If you wall run they will also see you coming and then they will kill you