More kits on bridge

Playing this game gets repetitive really fast so I think more kits might help that issue. More kits allows for different type of plays and such things.

A jump potion kit, might be more overpowered than leap but would be cool to see this cause I know a lot of people would pick this over leap.

An archer kit, when the round starts you have 2 or 3 arrows. You might think the snowball one would be better since it gives 8 instead of 2-3 but arrows are very powerful and 3 would kill you while snowballs do no damage and can only be used to knock people off.

An auto bridger kit. (Idc about this one but feel like some people want it) Maybe also have it only do 16 blocks.

Instant damage kit. A splash potion of instant damage 1. C4tH4ck3r’s idea

A kit that gives a random beneficial potion each round- could be healing, leap, swiftness, splash harming, invis etc. ItsJoms38 idea

I do agree that most times the game can get repetitive. The kits you suggested seem decent but let me give some feedback…

  1. Yeah the jump potion one seems cool but idk if its really necessary to be added and it can be too OP
  2. The arrow kit seems nice but how would you hit all three shots to kill your opponent flawlessly? This could also be slightly hard for mobile players if they would to choose this kit.
  3. The autobridger one actually seems like a decent one but idk why it has to be super slow but its cool that it can only do 16 blocks so its not too OP.

You have my vote.

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If this was added I think they would have to implement the “arrows do less damage at short range” thing into Bridge

Honestly that would make the kit kinda useless. Plus its really hard to hit people three times with a bow if they use leap, jump potion or even block spam. Plenty of ways to counter it.


Another kit could be a splash potion kit with instant damage or something with a cool down

maybe a kit that gives a random beneficial potion each round- could be healing, leap, swiftness, splash harming, invis etc

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Thats actually a really good idea!

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Ain’t sure If This is a dupe cuz there is changes plus suggestions but i still put it here