Please nerf leap bcuz its very op

I think leap would be very balanced if leap after using it had given you blindness and slowness for 1 second and cannot place blocks until the next round bcuz everyone always leap and blocks spam which makes the game very boring and repetitive.

You can vote your own post.
Also I think it is balanced at the moment.


And it is also a dupe

Nah its op i hope they remove it (i did not vote my own post)

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Its not that op, just build a wall or something infront of them to block it. Snowball spamming them also counters it. You can always watch people play it on YouTube to try to learn how to counter it.

Why do so many people seem to think they should remove leap, then it would just be snowball spam simulator and that just wouldn’t be fun, if you want something removed suggest an alternative

If leap was removed and snowballs became the meta, i think they should add a cooldown after hitting 2 snowballs just like bows.

No that would make snowballs kind of useless aswell
The game is fine as it is, if your good, leaps not a problem

Ill see you later

What, you don’t need to say your going offline lol

Here is some kits you might like instead.

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Yeah ok i like those kits theyre good. The jump potion will be very good for block spammer who puts block on your way. The bow is more usable since there are no cooldowns now

Oh my goodness

What is this topic?


You can already counter leaps using your bow, or snowballs (if you choose the baller kit).

Just use this. Or you can also use leap to counter leap.


its annoying to play against but helpful to have when grinding the game.

agreed. if you have snowballs or good with a bow or combos this can be quite easy defend from.

I always use the leap kit if im playing bridge but i always get easily countered by a good bow player so they should leave it how it is