Max Level Treasure Wars Item Shopkeeper Costume Idea

Idea: When you get max level in Treasure Wars, you get a costume of the Item Shop skin to wear in games for the fun of it.

[Write down your suggestion here, keep it short]
Simply reward the players who get level 50, aka max level on Treasure Wars with a free Item Shopkeeper Costume.

More information: The Item Shopkeeper is the guy who you buy stuff from every Treasure Wars match.

[Include any other information that you think is relevant here]

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I feel like it would be better to have the hub npc, but good idea


the shopkeeper skin could actually be abused by wearing it and hiding as the shopkeeper!


I really hope people aren’t that stupid


Surely that’s a very interesting idea.
I don’t think that putting shopkeeper as a costume would be so problematic.
About abusing, I don’t think that it would work really well, especially that the gamertag still appears. But, if it is still a problem, blocking the shopkeeper with barriers or something similar would be a great idea.
And I would love to use shopkeeper costume, by the way. He has a really cool personality.


Wow welcome to the forums!

And I too like this idea

Splodger said they’re fixing the issue of hiding in the shopkeeper, he didn’t say when though


replying to a post a year old but stay with me here.

Now you cant hide in the shopkeeper anymore

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Yeah this is a good suggestion anyway