Costume Idea | The Shopkeeper

Apparently from what I’ve heard if you wanted a suggestion to be accepted I have to make a individual idea and not a list so here’s Costume Idea.

This costume will be The Shopkeeper from Treasure Wars. It’d be very easy to make and I would really like this costume to be made

Hey, this is a duplicate suggestion. Please use the Search Feature :mag: before posting in the future. :smiley: If you’d like to support this idea you can vote on it below. :+1:


oof ok thanks for pointing it out thought I was the only one who was gonna do this idea lol

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btw has there ever been a costume that has been execpted?

If you mean a suggestion based costume, I know of one, but there may be more.
A monkey costume was suggested by @swimfan72 in this post.

And then in May, we got the Cheeky costume in the quest shop!



yea its cuz of auto correct oof