Custom Servers are pretty useless when your friends aren’t online or if you don’t need to get map footage, so why not spice it up with Bots in the game modes?
Here’s a small list of what the bots could be programmed to do.
Survival Games - Loot the chests, move away from middle, and wander unless they see a player (in which they’ll fight them, or a chest (in which they’ll loot it
Murder Mystery - Bots will wander around until they see a coin (in which they’ll pathfind to said coin), or a player/bot which they believe to be the murderer, in which they’ll run away, or if they have a bow, aim, and fire. Murderer bots will wander until they see a player, in which they will attack, and sherif bots will wander until they see someone pull out a sword, in which they will aim and fire.
DeathRun - Bots will follow set paths to get around the parkour (with variable mistakes that will happen at random), and stop moving if they see a trap. If they are a death, they will activate a trap when a high concentration of players/bots are at it, then move on to the next highest concentration of players/bots
SkyWars - Bots will loot chests and mine ores until they get blocks and full armor, then bridge to middle and loot the ender chests/mine ores to get full diamond/enchanted iron armour, then wander until they see a player, in which they will pathfind to the player and fight them.
Just Build - No bots
Hide & Seek - Bots will randomly select a block, pathfind to versions of their block in the map, then sit there and use taunt emotes at random. Seeker bots will pathfind to a random area, hit all pickable blocks in that area, then pathfind to another area and repeat.
Treasure Wars - Bots will be assigned teams, camp at gens until they get 32 blocks and a sword, cover their own treasure, then bridge to the diamond gen, try to break the adjacent team’s treasure, and kill everyone on said team. Then, the victorious team will bridge to middle, grab emeralds, grab diamonds, and purchase better armour, swords, more blocks, etc. They’ll also attempt to break treasures when a variable lines up correctly.
For PvP game modes, the bots won’t be like those bot fight practice things you’ll see, they’ll have aim and hit delays to be more like humans.
This may be hard to implement, but this seemed like an awesome idea to have,