Unblock the word "Galaxite" from the Discord

Yesterday I was on the Hive Discord and decided to talk about Galaxite. It’s a pretty good server. So I said, “galaxite chronos is really fun”. And then my message was deleted. Turns out, if your message contained “Galaxite”, it was deleted. This was because of negative bias toward that server back in June and July.

By this point, people have stopped (or should have stopped) saying bad things about Galaxite, and all the talk about that server I’ve seen is praising its selection of minigames (even though there’s only four, more coming soon).

I said this on a Discord server.

Yes. I and several others bypassed that filter yesterday. Oh and the byp@ss thing was because of a bot that didn’t know the difference between “ass” and “grass”. Quite sad, really.

Anyway, my point is Galaxite should not be a blocked word on the Hive Discord server.

What were people say galaxite for. There is no need to even mention that server!

On the Discord, you could say any server name except for Galaxite. This was a result of toxicity towards the server (I think). Its only purpose for now appears to be something they forgot to remove.

Sure, there might not be a need to mention Galaxite, but if someone wants to talk about that server, there shouldn’t be a filter blocking that.


Why was there toxicity? Was Galaxite doing something wrong?

I don’t know why there was toxicity, I just know that there was.

The instant delete has been removed, however, this does not change the actual rules of the Discord.