Quick buy would be the 1st section that you see when u open the shopkeeper, what it would do is you would put items that u want in the quick buy into a slot (theres would be 5 slots)
More details on how it would work:
When you open the shopkeeper the quick buy would appear instead of the ui that currently appears,
the quick buy ui would look the same as the one it currently is,
To get out of the quick buy to buy something you havnt got on it, to decrease the amount of time you would be in the shop there would be a button saying something like “other items” at the top of your items,
To customise what you want on the quick buy you would have a nautilus shell in the tw waiting lobby and before the 10 second timer is gone (the same as sw kits) and when you open the nautilus shell the quick buy menu would pop up and instead of saying “buy” it would say “change” and when you change it the shop sections would pop up and instead of the items saying “buy” it would say “add to quick buy”
This would be mobile friendly as the buttons would be the same size as they currently are
I wouldn’t consider it op as there’s only 5 slots that you can have in it and if that’s too many can be lowered down to 4 or 3
I see it as just a quality of life improvement and if anything just speed games up
It would also make it easier for lagging people as they wouldn’t have to click 2 buttons they’d only have to click 1 which means if they’re on 300 ping or something there’s not a huge delay for their first rush
But it would only buy what you can afford, right?
For example: in my quick buy I set up diamond sword, but if I don’t have 5 emeralds it doesn’t buy it for me
Just cause everyone has it, doesn’t mean it isn’t OP
By that logic, if you just gave a fish to everyone in a SW game, then everything would just be fine, and everyone would stop complaining about the fish.
I know this and the fish are two different things, but it’s the same basic concept