Hey there! First off, a losing armor on final kill suggestion already exists and you can vote on it here. Secondly, why would you want to revert every change to the preview? Boom boxes are great! The only thing I would say needs to be changed is the price of iron armor. I would say increase it to 20/25 diamonds. 64 gold is really easy to get. I actually agree with having the world summoners upgrading sooner. Finally, enchanted golden apples would be way too powerful and OP.
I also saw you mention that there are a lot of hackers in TW, which can be annoying. Improvements to the anti-cheat are actually happening everyday. The only thing you can really do would to report rule-breakers and hackers on the Hive’s Discord. If you don’t know how to do that, here’s a quick tutorial. One more thing, try to only make one suggestion per post, as it clutters the suggestion.