First, I’d say undo every change made in the preview. Also, the people who run The Hive need to crack down on hackers and cross-teamers in Treasure Wars. I suggest increasing world summoners at 17:30 and 12:30 minutes rather than 15:00 and 10:00 minutes because presently, you can only get gems from fully upgraded world summoners as soon as sudden death starts. Another thing to change is when a player is “FINAL KILLed”, the armor the player was wearing should drop off along with whatever items they were carrying; if and only if they are killed while still on an island of course, not falling into void. Finally, Enchanted Apples should be added to the market along with the Golden Apples. The prices would be 15 emeralds=1 Enchanted Apple (3 total in the market), and you guys should keep 5 emeralds=1 Golden Apple (5 total in the market).
Don’t enchanted apples basically make you invincible to melee/bows?
The prices here arent balanced. Theyd need tweaking. Also, welcome to the forums! Also, please search next time before suggesting. This is a duplicate request.
Hey there! First off, a losing armor on final kill suggestion already exists and you can vote on it here. Secondly, why would you want to revert every change to the preview? Boom boxes are great! The only thing I would say needs to be changed is the price of iron armor. I would say increase it to 20/25 diamonds. 64 gold is really easy to get. I actually agree with having the world summoners upgrading sooner. Finally, enchanted golden apples would be way too powerful and OP.
I also saw you mention that there are a lot of hackers in TW, which can be annoying. Improvements to the anti-cheat are actually happening everyday. The only thing you can really do would to report rule-breakers and hackers on the Hive’s Discord. If you don’t know how to do that, here’s a quick tutorial. One more thing, try to only make one suggestion per post, as it clutters the suggestion.
No they don’t. My friend and I tested it out, and you can take the same amount of hit back from a bow while wearing diamond armor, diamond armor with a golden apple, and diamond armor with an enchanted apple. Same with a diamond sword. Hypothetically, 2 players fighting at sudden death with diamond armor and enchanted apples is practically the same with with golden apples except the fight with swords would last a little longer. However, it’s just as likely to shoot them off, and killing them with a sword is just as likely too, if the players are of equal circumstances (just like any other fight).
Yes, after some thought, I agree that enchanted apples should be 15 emeralds instead.
Primarily, your Final Kill suggestion would seems pretty uncertain, and mine is different than yours because I don’t suggest getting the armor only if it was better (what if your teammate needed it, but you already had it?) I also suggest specifically on-island kills.
Secondly, I think boom boxes are a cheap shot. Imagine a team builds straight to the emeralds in the beginning, gets a couple, buys boom boxes, and then immediately goes over to neighbor who is using a less confrontational strategy. Next thing you know, the player with boom boxes blows up their treasure in the first 2 minutes with barely any effort [compared to taking time to break the blocks]. I compare that almost to the hackers that build over in the beginning.
Additionally, the price of iron armor should revert to 32 diamonds, not 20 nor 25. If you’re recommending a difference of 7 diamonds, then there probably shouldn’t be a change in pricing.
Thanks for agreeing with my world summoners idea, though, and please look to my other response in the chain regarding enchanted apples.
Seems like overkill to me, a player with an enchanted apple would take way too long to kill unless they get knocked into the void
Yes that is true but only for people who are no contest. A person with chainmail has basically no chance against diamond armor; that would take forever to kill. It mostly depends on the weapon, combat skill, and ability to hit players into void (which probably is how more than half of the deaths happen anyways). The enchanted apple is not an incredible jump from the perks of a golden apple if you look at it. I mean, fire resistance can honestly be ruled out in TW.
However, now that you say so, i think perhaps there should only be 3 allowed in the game instead of 5.
If you can’t handle people getting dia armor, then go to ems faster