Tips for beginners

Tips for beginners

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The essence of my idea is to improve the gaming skills for inexperienced players who first got into The HIVE. Since in most cases these players just stand on the spawn and do nothing. It would be great if, when entering a mini-game (namely: Terasure Wars, The Bridge, Capture The Flag, Sky Wars [all types] ), a person with a minimum number of levels (from 1 to 5, possibly more / less) played with bots, otherwise, if this is not feasible, then I can offer all players (from 1 to 5 levels) tips on what he needs to do in order to play successfully.

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It would be cool if the first time you played, there was a tutorial on each game, not sure how possible this is tho


This 100% Needs To Happen For Capture The Flag

This sounds like a great idea! Maybe a possible mini update in the future!


Also Hi @SlinkSuperior99 (I saw u on hive)

Like louis said, i dont see how making bots for the games to practice is possible. Not a bad idea but just don’t know how this could be implemented.

Sonic’s Party Games had a tutorial for each game, they could do that for new players first time playing a game


before the unfortunate forums update last year there was a really good tips and tricks thing for tw in the #games sections. rip :pray:


I will go ahead and close this topic as it is somewhat a duplicate post. Please continue this discussion here.

Have a lovely day/night :blobheart:

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Duplicate suggestion