Three New Skywars Items!


The fishing rod, lava bucket, and leap (from death run) should be added to skywars and skywars kits :D:D:D

More information:

The fishing rod is a 1/70 chance from emeralds and a 1/2 chance from the mystery chest.
The lava bucket is a 1/16 from chests and a 1/14 chance from gold
The leap is an item with a 100 second cool down and is a 1/80 chance from iron and a 1/9 chance from the mystery chest and a 1/95 chance from coal.

If any changes have to be made I’m fine with it. :smiley:

This is a very nice suggestion, but did you just say coal?


Lol yes maybe y not?

Hey there! Two of the suggested items have already been suggested as shown here:

In the future use the search tool :mag: in the top right to avoid making a duplicate. Also, make sure to have one suggestion per thread so people know what they are voting for.


Ah ok. Still they don’t have the same idea for the chance of the item but yeah my fault for dupe suggestion. Oof

Duplicate suggestion.