The Just Build Update

Okay… But what would hive even do once you report the vote spam?
pick out everyone that voted meh?
it’s just not a very functional option… Besides, different people have different opinions on different builds.
Also, since anyone can use this ‘vote spam’ report, everyone might use it even if they just had 1 or 2 mehs. Not gonna help anything.

For the afk/no building, I usually just use ‘off-topic,’ but since this is easy to add and might make more people report it, sounds good.

For adding more levels, I say 25-50 max atm. just to test the waters. But also, since there was so much backlash about how it was ‘tOo HaRd’ to max, :smiling_face_with_tear: they would probably need to change the XP system before implementing this.
also… Builder hat level concept?