The Hive Museum


So basically a museum that contains all of the Hive’s history it would be very helpful and show how long the Hive has been going on.

More information:

There could be different areas and there could be one for Minigames and there could also be 3 main areas: Bedrock, Main, Java. Each main area could have branches to different parts about it. There could be about staff and online stuff in Main, old minigames in Bedrock and Java, etc. etc. etc.
I couldn’t think of anything else.

I thought of this as I was trying to see what the Java games were like, but I found almost NO information.

Official Guide to the Hive Informational book

yeah i like this idea, voited!


Same here, I’d voit for this suggestion.
not being rude rn
I like history, but not people’s browser history… I’ve seen things.


This is a cool idea! I have been playing on the Bedrock server since it released but I never played on Java, so I’d love to learn a little more about it. Voted! (:


i saw you being swarmed by Helicopters!!! how does it feel???

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I didn’t play Java by myself but I see a lot of videos so I know most of the games and how to play, and some interesting stuff that Java server used to have.

But what I hope is to bring back old Java games and combine some Java features with Bedrock.


It includes everything that hive made? Its like a nostalgia trip?
It will have things like
Sonic event
Arcade hub
Old hub
And stuff like that?

Yeah!!! Exactly like that!!

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Really cool idea,specially for me that miss aracade more then anything in the game.

Not sure if this is very helpful but the old Hive Java website was archived on the Wayback Machine here with SOME information regarding each game as well as leader boards.


we need this!